Chiropractic FAQ

Will I receive treatment on the first visit?

If appropriate, treatment will begin on the first visit. In some instances X-Rays or MRI scans will be required prior to treatment commencing.

How long does the treatment take?

The first consultation takes an hour, and a treatment session is 20-30 minutes. If it has been more than a year since you have been in, or if you want to discuss a new problem we may need a longer reassessment appointment.

How much does it cost?

New patient appointment – Dave: £70
Subsequent fee per visit – Dave: £48

New patient appointment – Matthew: £75
Subsequent fee per visit – Matthew: £52

How long will it take to get better?

Your recovery is dependent on many factors – the problem, the length of time you have had it and your own commitment to any rehabilitation exercises and check-up visits which your chiropractor may recommend. We will advise you on what to expect once we have assessed you.

Do I have to be referred by my GP?

No, your GP does not have to refer you to us as we are a private clinic but you should feel able to discuss your condition and treatment options with your GP.

Do I have to get undressed for treatment?

Depending on the nature of the problem, we may ask you to put on a rear-fastening hospital style gown over your underwear. Your comfort and dignity matters to us, and we will discuss any suitable clothing options when we have an understanding of how we will be treating you.

If I am not sure if I should see a Chiropractor for my condition what should I do?

We are always happy to book a free, no obligation discussion with one of our chiropractors. If we don’t feel that we are able to help, we will point you in the right direction.

What does treatment consist of?

This depends on the type of problem and on the patient in question. Broadly speaking, we make joints move better, we make soft-tissues slide more easily and we give advice on exercise, daily activities or other lifestyle factors. We alter the recipe to suit you, and we will talk you through everything that we feel will be beneficial to make certain that you are happy with your tailored treatment plan.

What is the difference between a Chiropractor and an Osteopath?

Chiropractic and Osteopathy are the names given to two regulated healthcare professions, rather than terms which define the techniques offered or the problems that are treated. Both professions treat head-to-toe musculoskeletal problems using a variety of joint and soft-tissue techniques and advice. Our advice is to find someone you like and stick with them!

Will I need to keep coming back?

This depends on what is causing your problem and how good you want to be! We will discuss the right treatment plan for you and continue to assess how we are doing and where you want to get to.

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