It is new year resolutions time again, and as ever it is dark in the mornings and dark in the evenings, and this year it seems that there is no end in sight to the rain – not exactly conducive to getting out and exercising! Here are some tips to get you through until the sun returns.
Photo by Eleonora Patricola on Unsplash
We know that walking is a great way to stay active. Where possible, walk instead of drive; try walking a little faster to boost the exercise benefit; take the stairs instead of an escalator or lift. Any additional exercise is better than none.
A moving joint is likely to be less painful than a static joint, so even simple movement, stretches or gentle exercises could help relieve pain.
Keep your fluid levels topped up; the body works better when well hydrated: Your muscles and joints will work more efficiently and fatigue less.
Think about your lifestyle choices. It is easy to let Christmas festivities turn into unhelpful eating, drinking and sleeping habits. January is a great time to get back to early nights, lots of vegetables and non-alcoholic drinks.
Check out some of the other blog posts for spine health, running schedules and more!
We are welcoming new patients for 2024, so give us a ring or book an appointment to get the new year going in the right direction.